Competence and Contacts. The Relevance of Different Types of Social Relations for Establishment in the Labour Market for Young Persons of Immigrant Backgrounds.

Migration, Welfare and the Political Economy of Labour Market Segmentation


Studies of neighbourhood effects, school effects, ethnic networks, and other kinds of social contacts have shown that social environments and networks influence establishment and career in the labour market in different ways and, hence, may explain why newly arrived immigrants frequently face difficulty in becoming established in the labour market. The purpose of this project is to study the comparative importance of different kinds of social relations. Several types of social contexts are studied and put in contrast to each other; neighbourhoods, schools, workplaces, national and transnational ethnic networks, as well as formal competence and the situation in the labour market. Hence, the project takes into account both the characteristics of the individual and the opportunities and constraints of the context.


Employment/Recruitment, Social capital/networks, Social exclusion/inclusion, Immigrant youth, Labor market careers


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