Ethnicizing employability. Governing the unemployed in Labour market Projects in sweden

Post-National Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity


This research project aims to highlight the European Social Funds (ESF) task to increase the labour supply with “a particular focus on target groups with a foreign background”. My aim is to examine how this mission is formulated, practiced and made comprehensible in various empirical material related to labour market projects co-funded by the ESF.
More specific, my aim is to analyze how ethnicities (and other social categories) are constructed and problematized in relation to ideas about individual employability. Furthermore, I am interested in examining how different techniques are described as suitable (or not suitable) to address target groups with a foreign background, in order to make the individual employable according to certain norms. How, and what ethnicities are made problematic in relation to norms are also questions of interest.
Foucaults notions of power/knowledge relations and governmentality are central to my theoretical understanding of these questions.


Employment/Recruitment, Ethnicity, Work, governmentality, employability


Vesterberg, V. (2016) Ethnicizing Employability. Governing the Unemployed in Labour market Projects in Sweden. Linköping: Linköping University

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