Arbetsnormer i de nya EU medlemsländerna: konvergens eller divergens

Globalisation and the Reconstitution of Normative and Legal Frameworks


Excellence Award (2004-2007) i de baltiska länderna, dvs arbetsnormer, anständigt arbete i form av reglerade relationer mellan arbetstagare och arbetsgivare, tillgång till kompetensutveckling och fysisk säkerhet i arbetsmiljön i de post-kommunistiska länderna. Projektet utforskar svårigheterna i att säkerställa reglerade arbetsnormer jämfört med den pågående trenden mot “informalisering” av relationer mellan arbetstagare och arbetsgivare. Det frågar också hur dessa normer förändras i en kontext som präglas av EU:s utvidgning samt vilka empiriska bevis som finns för de europeiska arbetslivs- och arbetsmiljödirektivens och -reglernas sammantagna genomslag av i de nya medlemsländerna, dvs konvergens eller divergens.


Decent work agenda, European integration, Labour standards/rights, working environment, regulation


C. Woolfson and I. Vanadzins (2014) Historical and contemporary challenges to workplace health and safety practice in Latvia. Policy and Practice in Occupational Health and Safety, 12 (2): 47-65.

C. Woolfson and A. Juska (2014) Neoliberal Austerity and Corporate Crime: The collapse of the Maxima supermarket in Riga, Latvia, New Solutions: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 24(2): 129-152.

C. Woolfson, (2011a) “Precarious work in times of crisis: Regulatory Discourses and Labour Standards”, in M. Sargeant and M. Giovanone (eds) Health and Safety and Vulnerable Workers in a Changing World of Work, Farnham: Gower Publishing, (forthcoming).

C. Woolfson, (2011b) “Latvia: Lacking in Competence?” in J. Winterton and L. Magnusson (eds) Trade Union Strategies for Competence Development, London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-55428-2 (forthcoming).

C. Woolfson, (2010) The sense of measure and societies without limit, discussant response to Alain Supiot, international workshop on Constitutionalising Employment Relations, Social & Legal Studies, 19, 2: 226-231.

C. Woolfson, D. Calite and E. Kallaste, (2009) Employee voice and working environment in the New Member States: Translating policy into practice in the Baltic States, in D. Walters and T. Nichols (eds) Workplace Health and Safety – International Perspectives on Worker Representation, London: Palgrave/Macmillan. pp. 134-153.

C. Woolfson and D. Calite, (2008) Working Environment in the new EU Member State of Lithuania: Examining a worst case example, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 6, 1:.3-29.

C. Woolfson, D. Calite and E. Kallaste, (2008)”Employee voice and working environment in post-communist New Member States: An empirical analysis of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Industrial Relations Journal, 39, 4: 314-34.

C. Woolfson, (2008) European Briefing: Social Dialogue and Life-long learning in the new EU member states: reform fit in Latvia, Journal of European Social Policy, 18, 1: 79-87.

C. Woolfson, (2007) Pushing the envelope: The informalisation of labour in post-communist new EU Member States, Work, Employment and Society, 21, 3: 551-564.

C. Woolfson, (2007) The envelope scandal: A Lithuanian tale, International Union Rights, vol. 14, January,13-14.

C. Woolfson and D. Calite, (2007) New European Community strategy for health and safety: The elephant in the room, International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 13, 2: 343-357.