Migration, Citizenship, and the Welfare State: Comparative Perspectives on social Inclusion and Exclusion

Migration, Welfare and the Political Economy of Labour Market Segmentation


The project surveys, in international comparative perspective, changing welfare states and the transformation of their multiethnic societies through two complementary analytical lenses: on the one hand, the welfare state’s capacity for accommodating migration and ethnic diversity through policies of border control and the allocation of rights of citizenship and, on the other hand, migration and ethnic diversity as a dynamic factor for change in the economic, political and cultural foundations of welfare states. It focuses on changing ethnic divisions of labour related to processes of social inclusion/exclusion and politics of European integration.


European integration, Welfare, Work, social exclusion, class


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Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Peo Hansen and Stephen Castles (2006) Migration, Citizenship and the European Welfare State. A European Dilemma, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Also available as e-book.

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