Regulation and Enforcement of Posted Workers Employment Rights (PostER)

Globalisation and the Reconstitution of Normative and Legal Frameworks


The collaborative PostER project funded by European Commission DG Employment examines the working and living conditions of posted workers in several key sectors to which workers are frequently posted between countries. Little is known of the actual experience of posted workers. Using academic researchers in five EU member states, PostER will gather and disseminate information on national practices related to posted workers? knowledge of employment rights and their enforcement, on the extent of the provision of information to stakeholders and on the potential application of sanctions. PostER focuses on posted workers in Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden and the UK. It uses varied methodologies including desk research and interviews with 60 posted workers and 25 stakeholders (including social partners and enforcement agencies). Photographic evidence on workplaces using posted workers will be collected for display on the project website and in the report. PostER will conclude with the launch of a final report at a conference for stakeholders from the five countries and from European agencies.


European integration, Labour standards/rights, Migrant rights, posted workers, working conditions


C. Thörnqvist and S. Bernhardsson (2015) Their own stories ? how Polish construction workers posted to Sweden experience their job situation, or resistance versus life projects. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 21(1) 11-23.

C. Thörnqvist and C. Woolfson, (2012) When tender turns tough: posted workers and the tendering regime in the Swedish construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 30 (7): 525-533.

C. Thörnqvist and C. Woolfson, (2011) Dog den svenska modellen i Vaxholm – Laval-målets följder för den svenska arbetsmarknaden?, Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 17 (3): 2-24.