Refugees, reception and inclusion

Post-National Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity


Efforts to include refugees in Swedish society have changed since the Establishment reform was introduced in 2010. In this project, the implementation of the reform has been studied in the municipalities of Eskilstuna and Nyköping. The study shows that refugees have difficulties to decode the reception programs, due to the complexity of the reception system, composed of a mixture of different forms of governance: hierarchical governance, horizontal collaboration and market-based control. The centrally organized Employment service leaves relatively limited space for action at the local level. One of the conclusions is that the Establishment reform so far has not led to any development efforts for inclusion of refugees as the authorities have put the most efforts on solving administrative issues and build routines rather than to actively promote the inclusion of refugees.


Migration, Partnership, Regional development, refugees, reception


Qvist, Martin & Tovatt, Caroline (2014). Från förväntningar till utfall ? etableringsreformen på lokal nivå. Nyköping: Länsstyrelsen i Södermanlands län.

Tovatt, Caroline (2013). Att avkoda systemets regler ? Nyanlända invandrares berättelser om mötet med etableringen. Nyköping: Länsstyrelsen i Södermanlands län.