Strategies for Regional Growth & Development: Implications for Regional Citizenship & Belonging

Post-National Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity


Over the past decades, the literature on regionalism and regionalisation has grown considerably, and so has the literature on citizenship. But although globalisation, international migration, and processes of state rescaling, regionalism and regionalisation have vast implications for the formation of political, economic and social citizenship at regional levels, few explicit attempts have been made to bridge the literature on regionalism and regionalisation, with the literature on citizenship. Accordingly, the main aim of this project is to – empirically and theoretically elaborate on the concept of regional citizenship.


Citizenship, Diversity, Regional development, Regionalism , Belonging


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Syssner, J. (2009) ?No Space for Citizen??, paper presented at ?Is There a Regional Citizenship??, International workshop arranged by REMESO and Regional Studies Association, Norrköping, Sweden.

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