interlinked migration chains and their consequences to work and care in Ageing Europe

Migration, Public Service and Health


Swedish retirees are part of a growing stream of Northern Europeans who migrate to Southern Europe to retire in the sun.
Exploring the relations between streams of migrants who meet in Spain, and their intermediaries, this project explores issues of mobility and the globalization of care/service, of crucial importance to welfare states and the future of work, elderly care and retirement conditions in Ageing Europe


Migration, Welfare, Work,


Gavanas, A and Calzada, I (2016) Multiplex Migration and Aspects of Precarization: Swedish Retirement Migrants to Spain and their Service Providers, Journal of Critical Sociology, special issue on precarity edited by Carl-Ulric Schierup and Martin Bak Jorgensen

Gavanas, A and Calzada, I (2016) Swedish retirement migrants in Spain: mobility and elderly care in Ageing Europe. In: Majella Kilkey & Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck (eds) Family Life in an Age of Migration and Mobility: Global Perspectives through the Life Course. New York: Palgrave.

Gavanas, A (2016) Swedish retirement migrants and domestic services in Spain: informalization and moral economy in re-imagining Sweden. In: Reimagineering the Nation. Essays on TwentyFirst Century Sweden Collected volume in the series Political and Social Change (Peter Lang), edited by Aleksandra Ålund, Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Anders Neergaard