The Politics of European Citizenship: Migration, Social Rights and Political Economy

Citizenship and Ethnic Relations: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives


The project traces the politics of European citizenship as it has unfolded since the beginning of the European integration project in the 1950s to the present day. The main focus, though, lies with the more contemporary developments, stretching from the mid-1980s, or the commencement of the EU’s Single Market project, until the present. The overall purpose is to critically conceptualize and empirically analyze the historical development of EU citizenship as it has developed alongside the deepening cleavage between the power of EU institutions on the one hand and popular legitimacy among its citizenry on the other; charting its long-range movements vis-à-vis the broader transformations of the EU integration project. This results in an integrated analysis of EU citizenship, one that carefully scrutinizes the deeply interrelated processes of migration, socio-economic transformation and resurgence of ethno-nationalist sentiments at all levels of the EU polity.


Citizenship, European integration, Migration, Political Economy, Social Rights


Hansen, Peo & Hager, Sandy Brian (2010). The Politics of European Citizenship: Deepening Contradictions in Social Rights and Migration Policy, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Hansen, Peo (2010). ‘More Barbwire or More Immigration, or Both? EU Migration Policy in the Nexus of Border Security Management and Neoliberal Economic Growth’. The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Vol. 11, No. 1.

Hansen, Peo (2010). ‘EU Migration Policy and the Politics of European Citizenship: A Matter of Rights in Retreat?’, in Lozanoska, Jana and Dimitrov, Slavco (eds.), Integrating Differences: Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the Balkans on its Road to the EU, Skopje: Euro-Balkan Institute.

Hansen, Peo (2009). ‘Post-national Europe, without cosmopolitan guarantees’. Race & Class: A Journal on Racism, Empire and Globalization, Vol. 50, No. 4.

Hansen, Peo (2009). ‘The Parrot’s Alive: EU Referenda and the Politics of European Citizenship’, in Neergaard, Anders (ed.), European Perspectives on Exclusion and Subordination: The Political Economy of Migration. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.

Hansen, Peo (2009). ‘Det kosmopolitiska löftet’, in Ruthström, Boa (ed.), Spaning Europa: Arena Idés årsbok 2009. Stockholm: Premiss förlag.

Hansen, Peo (2009). ‘Nya medborgare eller invandrad arbetskraft?’, Framtider, No. 1.

Hansen, Peo (2008). EU’s migrationspolitik under 50 år: Ett integrerat perspektiv på en motsägelsefull utveckling, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Hansen, Peo (2007). ‘EU Migration Policy in the Post-Amsterdam Era: The Contradictions between Migrant “Integration”, Flexible Labour Immigration and Refugee Protection’, in Berggren, E., Likic, B., Toksöz, G. and Trimikliniotis, N. (eds.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community: A Challenge for Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing