The quest for 'fair globalization' and a 'decent work agenda': Supra-national norms, industrial relations and labour market regulation

Globalisation and the Reconstitution of Normative and Legal Frameworks


The research in this project critically analyses the on-going configuration of global and regional migration regimes within the framework of multilevel global governance. The main objective is to survey international institutional arrangements for core labor standards and migrant workers? rights and to explore their significance for migration management within the ‘asymmetric’ global governance, as well as their impact on the current trajectory of global and regional political economies. Various studies within the project trace the development of a ‘social dimension’ of globalization and the articulation of an inclusive, human rights-based policy approach to migration management. The focus is on the ILO?s reformulation of social justice goals in terms of ‘decent work’ for all workers, including especially those working in the informal economy. The identification of the main multinational, state and non-state actors, their discourses and strategies for the promotion of global social justice, in particular the role of the EU is examined. Since 2010 participants in this project have followed and analysed the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration, related Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the role of global civil society actors in this process, leading to MIGLINK, a collaborative research project with Ankara University (Turkey) and University of Zacatecas Mexico).


Civil society, Labour standards/rights, Migration and development, Globalization, Governance


Likic-Brboric, Branka (2011) ‘EU Enlargement, Migration and Asymmetric Citizenship: Political Economy of Inequality and the Demise of the European Social Model?’ Globalizations, Special Issue: Migration, Work and Citizenship, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 277-294.

Likic-Brboric, Branka & Schierup, Carl-Ulrik (2011) ‘Asymmetric Governance, Labour Standards, and Migrants? Rights: A Transatlantic Perspective on Migration, Decent Work, and the Role of Civil Society in Fair Globalisation, Migracion y desarrollo, No. 16 (Accepted).

Likic-Brboric, Branka (2011) ‘Globalisation, EU Enlargement and the Challenge of Financial Crisis: East-West Migration and the Search for EU Solidarities?’in G. Lazaridis (ed.) Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe, Farnham: Ashgate (ISBN 978-1-4094-0921-2).

Likic-Brboric, Branka (2010) ‘Globalización, ampliación de la uey nuevos anoramas migratorios: desafíos de la economía informal y contingencias para ?el trabajo decente’ (‘Globalisation, EU Enlargement, New Migratory Landscapes: The Challenge of the Informal Economy and the Contingencies for Decent Work?’), Migracion y desarrollo, No 14, pp. 10