Urban justice movements: Youth activism in civil society dialogue

Post-National Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity


After the violent youth rebellions in Swedish suburbs during 2009, a plurality of new dialogue oriented activist groups have emerged, profiled as youth urban justice movements (YUJM). They address issues of segregation, racism and welfare transformation in Swedish cities.The project will explore expressions of agency; claims, network building and knowledge production with focus on cooperation and dialogue between YUJM and the wider civil society.

Questions for research: how YUJM relate to the broader civil society; what situated knowledge is produced and find expression in strategies and action repertoires; how YUJM constitute themselves as public voice relating to local, national and international contexts.

The project combines perspectives from urban studies and social movement studies. It employs a battery of qualitative methods aiming at highlighting activism as embedded in suburban livelihoods, local institutional conditions and wider structural change.


Civil society, Migrant rights, Racialisation/Racism/"race", Urban transformation, Structural change


Ålund, Aleksandra, Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Ilhan Kellecioglu (2024). ”Antirasistisk allmänning i vardande: Aktivism för ett nytt Folkets Hus i ’post-rasismens’ tidevarv”.I Krifors K., Diana M., Anders N. och H. Sältenberg (eds.) Antirasismer och antirasister. Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter. Kriterium: 444-484

Schierup, C. U. and A. Ålund (2023). ¿Cuál solidaridad en la investigación? Migración, precariedad y movimientos Sociales. Migración y transformación social. Perspectivas comprometidas. R. Munck, Tanja Kleibl, Maria do Carmo dos Santos Gonçalves, Petra Da?ková. Dublin, Machdohnil Books

Schierup, Carl Ulrik, R. Delgado Wise and Aleksandra Ålund (2023) ‘Global Migration Governance: Positionality, Agency, and Impact of Civil Society’, in Pecoúd, Antoine and Heléne Thiollet (eds.) Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance, Cheltenham and Camberley and Northhampton, Ma: Edward Elgar: 1-22

Ålund, Aleksandra, Carl Ulrik Schierup och Magnus Dahlstedt (2022) ‘Mångkulturalismens paradoxer i backspegeln ‘, in Dalhstedt, Magnus and Niklas Altermark (eds.) Bortom systemskiftet – mot en ny gemenskap, Stockholm: Verbal förlag. p. 344-363

Schierup, Carl Ulrik och Aleksandra Ålund (2022) ‘What Solidarity in Research? Migration, Precarity and Social Movements’, in Munck, Ronaldo, Tanja Kleibl, Maria do Carma dos Santos Goncalves and Petra Da ková (eds.) Migration and Social Transformation. Engaged Perspectives, Brasilia and Dublin: CSEM and Macdohnil Ltd. p 52-71.

Schierup, Carl Ulrik, Aleksandra Ålund and Ilhan Kellecioglu (2022) “Forward through the Past? Reinventing the ‘People’s House’ in subaltern Stockholm”, in Bak Jørgensen, Martin and Carl Ulrik Schierup (eds.) Condenting Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility, Leiden & Boston (MA): Brill Academic Publishers.

Ålund, Aleksandra and Carl-Ulrik Schierup (2022) ‘Multikulturalismens paradoxer’, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 28 (3), 2022: 347-58.

Schierup Carl-Ulrik, Aleksandra Ålund, Ilhan Kellecioglu (2021). ”Reinventing the People’s House: Time, Space and Activism in Multiethnic Stockholm”. Critical Sociology. 2021, Vol. 47(6) 907–922. DOI: 10.1177/0896920520957066. journals.sagepub.com/home/crs

Carl-Ulrik, Schierup and Ålund Aleksandra (2020) ‘The Enigma of Commoning in Precarious Times: A Critical Perspective on Social Transformation’, HighTech and Innovation Journal, 1 (2). Available at: https://hightechjournal.org/index.php/HIJ/author/proofGalley/14/7

Schierup, Carl Ulrik and Aleksandra Ålund (2019) ‘Reclaimings the commons in precarious Times’, Sharing Society. the impact of Collaborative Collective Actions in the Transformation of contemporary societies, Bilbao, (Eds, Terejina, Benjamin, Cristina Miranda de Almeida and Ignacia Perugorría), Universidad del Pais Vasco: 642-51.

Schierup, Carl Ulrik, Raúl Delgado Wise, Stefan Rother and Aleksandra Ålund (2019) ‘Postscript. The Global Compact for Migration: What Road from Marrakech?’, in Schierup, Carl Ulrik, et al. (eds.) Migration, Civil Society and Global Governance, London: Routledge

Ålund, Aleksandra & René León Rosales (2018/2019) ” Activismo postmigrante: movimientos de justicia urbana en Suecia” : Migracion y Desarrollo. Nr 31. Vol 16: 71-103.

Ålund, Aleksandra (2019) ”Ungdom, fritid och medborgargörande” i Alireza Bethoui, Anders Neergaard, Fredrik Hertzberg (red.), Fritiden, Studentlitteratur, forthcoming.

Ålund Aleksandra, Carl-Ulrik Schierup och Anders Neergaard (red.) (2018). Nation i ombildning: Essäer om 2000-talets Sverige. Stockholm: Boréa

Rosales, René León och Aleksandra Ålund (2018) ”Renässans Från Marginalen – aktivism för demokratisk förnyelse”. I: Nation i ombildning: Essäer om 2000-talets Sverige. Stockholm: Boréa. (Sid 333-359).

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Aleksandra Ålund och Anders Neergaard ”Nation i ombildning; introduktion” (2018). I: Ålund Aleksandra, Carl-Ulrik Schierup och Anders Neergaard (red) Nation i ombildning: Essäer om 2000-talets Sverige. Stockholm: Boréa (2018), (Sid: 7-30).

León Rosales, René and Aleksandra Ålund (2018). Aktivist i vardande: Individuella erfarenheter och läroprocesser inom förortsrörelse. (Arkiv, Nr 9/2018: 53-76.)

Ålund Aleksandra and René Léon Rosales (2018) ‘Activism for Deepened Democracy: Urban justice movement in Sweden’. In: Public Enquiries: Park Lek and the Scandinavian Social Turn. Edited by: Mick Wilson, Helena Selder, SOMEWHERE (author) and Giorgiana Zachia. London: Black Dog Press. Page:151-169.

Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Aleksandra Ålund (2018) “Reimagineering the Common in Precarious Times”. Journal of Intercultural Studies. Vol. 39, issue 2. Special issue: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Prof Stephen Castles (forthcoming online, March 2018).

Ålund, Aleksandra and Carl-Ulrik Schierup (2018): “Making or unmaking a movement? Challenges for civic activism in the global governance of migration”. Globalizations Vol.15, NO 5, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2018.1446599

Dahlstedt Magnus & Aleksandra Ålund (2018). ”Den nya svenska förortsrörelsen – viljan att höra hemma”. I: Dahlstedt, Magnus (red) (2018) Förortsdrömmar: Ungdomar, utanförskap och viljan till inkludering. Linköping. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2018. Serie: Linköping Studies in Social Work and Welfare, 2018:3. Sid 181-201.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik; Aleksandra Ålund and Anders Neergaard (2017).“’Race’ and the upsurge of antagonistic popular movements in Sweden”. Ethnic and Racial Studies: Special Issue: Race and Crisis. Published online: 21 Aug 2017. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2017.1361541

Ålund, Aleksandra; Carl-Ulrik Schierup & Anders Neergaard (eds.) (2017). Reimagineering the Nation, Essays on Twenty-First- Century Sweden. Frankfurt am Main; New York. Peter Lang (2017) Series: Political and Social Change. ISSN 2198-8595; Vol 4.

Ålund, Aleksandra, Schierup Carl-Ulrik and Lisa Kings (2017) Home-Making: Youth and urban unrest in multiethnic Sweden. In Justine Lloyd & Ellie Vasta (eds.): Reimagining Home in the 21st Century. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing: 135-150.

Aleksandra Ålund & León Rosales, René (2017). “Becoming an activist citizen; Individual experiences and learning processes within the Swedish suburban movement.” Journal of Education and Culture Studies Vol. 1, No. 2: 123-140.

León Rosales, René & Aleksandra Ålund (2017). “Renaissance from the margins: Urban youth activism in Sweden”. In: A. Ålund, C-U Schierup & A. Neergaard (eds.): Reimagineering the Nation; Essays on Twenty-First- Century Sweden. Frankfurt am Main; New York. Peter Lang (2017) Series: Political and Social Change. ISSN 2198-8595; Vol 4. Pp. 351-374.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik; A. Ålund & A. Neergaard (eds.) (2017). “Reimagineering the Nation: Crises and Social Transformation in 21st Century Sweden. An Introduction”. In: Reimagineering the Nation, Essays on Twenty-First- Century Sweden. Frankfurt am Main; New York. Peter Lang (2017) Series: Political and Social Change. ISSN 2198-8595; Vol 4: 9-37

Ålund, Aleksandra; Carl-Ulrik Schierup & Lisa Kings (2017).”Home-making; Youth and urban unrest in multiethnic Sweden”. In Lloyd, J., & E. Vasta 2017 (eds.). Reimagining Home in the 21st Century. Cheltenham: Elgar, pp. 135-150

León Rosales, René och Aleksandra Ålund (2016). “Arga unga män: Orten, aktivismen och de kontrollerande bilderna”, Bang (Stockholm); 2016, Nr: 2, s. 14-18

Kings, Lisa; Aleksandra Ålund and Nazem Tahvilzadeh (2016). “Contesting urban management regimes: The rise of urban justice movements in Sweden”. In: Martin Bak Jörgensen and Oscar Garcia Agustin, Soldarities without borders: Gramscian perspectives

on migration and civil society alliances. London: Pluto Press: 186-203.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Aleksandra Ålund (2016) “The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion”. In: Bennich-Björkman, Li, Roland Kostic, Branka Likic-Brboric (eds) Citizens at Hearth? Perspective on integration of

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Ålund, A. Schierup, C-U, Neergaard, A. (2016) “Democratic fall or spring? An essay on migration, social movements and Sweden’s current transformation”. Forthcoming in Malakhov, V.S. and M.E. Simon (eds).Transnational Migration and Modern States in Times of

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Ålund Aleksandra och Isak Reichel (2016) “Mellan marknad och volontär aktivism”. I: Dahlstedt M, Hertzberg F., Urban S. och Ålund A. (red.) Utbildning, Arbete, Medborgarskap. Umeå: Borea Bokförlag: 363-387.

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Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Aleksandra Ålund and Branka Likic-Brboric (2015). “A global migrant precariat: Labour, Citizenship and space for civil society”. International Migration. Volume 53, Issue 3:50–63. June 2015.

Puskas, Tunde and Aleksandra Ålund (2015). “Ethnicity; The complexity of boundary creation and social differentiation. In: Magnus Dahlstedt and Anders Neergaard (eds.) International Relations and Ethnic Relations; Critical Perspectives. Abingdon and New York: Routledge (pp: 13-38).

Ålund, Aleksandra (2014). “Motberättelser; Förortsaktivism i den samtida Sverige”. I: Sandell Kerstin, Maja Sager och Nora Räthzel (red) Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap. Lund: Lunds Universitet; Genusvetenskapliga institutionen (s.103-115).

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Aleksandra Ålund, Lisa Kings (2014) “Reading the Stockholm riots – a moment for social justice?” Race and Class, 2014, Vol 55(1):1-21.

Ålund, Aleksandra and Carl Ulrik Schierup (2014). “The role of cultural memory in contemporary migrant activism: Staging gender and belonging in a transforming welfare state”. In: Buzov, Ivanka and Sime Pilic, (eds.) Heritage and Development: Socio-

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Ålund, Aleksandra (2014) “Politics of Belonging: A Narrative on Activism in Sweden”, NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 22:4, 330-337, DOI: 10.1080/08038740.2014.965199. To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08038740.2014.965199

Lisa Lings, Aleksandra Ålund, Carl-Ulrik Schierup (2013). Revolt of the Urban Periphery: Sweden’s Riots in Context. New Left Project, 2/6 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-96572

Ålund, Aleksandra, Mesic Nedzad, Kings Lisa & Dahlstedt, Magnus (2013) “Framing the mobilization of migrants in Sweden“. Migration Letters. Sept 2013 Vol.10, 3: 277 – 287 .

Ålund, Aleksandra (2012) Alterity, In George Ritzer (ed.). The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. First Edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd (2012) Vol. (1). 52-53.