Refugees, the Labour Market and the Welfare State: Employment Policy and Local Integration Programs in Swedish Refugee Reception

Post-National Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity


This PhD-project examines the role of inter-organizational collaboration and partnership in the governance of local integration programs targeted towards refugees in Sweden. For decades these programs have been criticized for delaying entrance into the labour market and it has been a longstanding goal for the government to incorporate them in the Swedish employment strategy, ‘arbetslinjen’. Governmental agencies have applied ‘soft’ policy measures such as guidelines, comparisons, knowledge dissemination and ‘agreements’ for voluntary policy coordination to create conditions for joint efforts at the local level. Drawing on institutional theory the PhD project examines the impact of this norm building process by focusing on how local actors respond to the governing strategies and in what way collaboration contributes to the development of the programs.


Employment/Recruitment, Governance, Partnership, Refugees, Institutional theory


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