Zoran Slavnic




Active projects

    The REMESO Database

    Martin Klinthäll, Associate professor

    The REMESO database is a register-based database that contains information about all individuals, schools, dwellings and companies in Sweden.
    The REMESO database is based on Statistics Sweden’s annual registerdata and consists of five parts:
    (1) A population register containing information about all individuals who were registered in Sweden as of 31 December for each year;
    (2) Longitudinal Integration Database for Health Insurance and Labor Market Studies (LISA);
    (3) A business register with information about all economically active companies and organizations in Sweden , whether they belong to the private or public sector;
    (4) A school register with information about all elementary schools and upper secondary schools, including student grades;
    (5) A real estate register containing microdata administrative and longitudinal information on all properties, buildings, addresses and apartments in Sweden.

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Finished Projects

    Immigrants’ legal status and integration in Sweden

    Zoran Slavnic, Professor

    Research on the relationship between immigrants’ entry categories and legal status after obtaining the residence permits and their socioeconomic integration, is fragmented and underdeveloped, both in Sweden and internationally.
    The aim of this project is to fill this gap. We intend to examine how differences between immigrants’ entry categories and legal status affect immigrants’ short-term and long-term integration in the Swedish context. As far as integration indicators are concerned, the focus will be on labour market, education and housing outcomes, as well as on the family dynamics among immigrants. We intend to compare different legal categories as they are defined by the immigration board while entering the country (refugees, quote refugees, permits based on humanitarian grounds, family reunion, temporary protection, working permits etc.). Different immigrant groups as well as groups with the different legal status within the same immigrant groups, will also be compared. We will also study legal status differences emerging from the shift to the new Swedish restrictive immigration regime, which was introduced in 2016.

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    Revisioning the regulation of data archiving

    Zoran Slavnic, Professor

    The regulation of data sharing is now a key European and international policy concern as evidenced in the recent proliferation of policy documents. The case for such regulation is made on the grounds that it is consistent with the ethic and practice of open scientific inquiry and is a costefficient use of public funds because it allows reanalysis of existing datasets. The international social science community, however, and particularly its qualitative researchers, have raised concerns that regulating, institutionalizing and standardizing data sharing
    practices privilege a specific philosophical, methodological and ethical understanding and practice of social science while marginalizing alternative approaches. The purpose of this symposium is to discuss the regulation of data archiving and sharing in the social sciences and its possible future directions.

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    Strategies and Structures

    Martin Klinthäll, Associate professor

    The project analyses how changes in policies and regulations affect conditions and opportunities for small business development in different industries over time, and how self-employed persons act in response to changes in opportunity structures. We study strategies of growth and survival within specific industries and markets, but also transitions of self-employment across industries and types of markets. The project will contribute new knowledge through a systematic and coherent longitudinal and spatial investigation of the dynamics of self-employment among immigrants in Sweden. The project systematically applies and develops instruments from recent international research on ethnic minority businesses (EMB). Theory in the field is developed through the integration of entrepreneurship theory and new theoretical contributions from EMB research. Theoretical perspectives on strategies and self-employed as actors is combined with theory on opportunity structures (the framework of ?mixed embeddedness?). Methodologically, the approach implies coordinated analyses of different dimensions on different levels, using a combination of policy studies, case studies and quantitative analyses.

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    Tourism and development: critical perspectives

    Josefina Syssner, Research fellow

    In recent decades, tourism and travelling has increasingly come to be recognized as a highly complex field of research that raises questions that are both local and global, that involves questions about identity and self-understanding, as well as questions relating to human rights, development, global economy and international political relations. Still, there are yet few Swedish textbooks where contemporary tourism and travel is highlighted from a critical perspective, or where issues of global power relations are in focus. Therefore, the purpose of this project has been to produce text books in Swedish, in which international tourism and travel are confronted with new, critical, theoretical perspectives.

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    Informal economy

    Zoran Slavnic, Professor

    The aim of this project is to critically review the actual concepts on informal economy, and its relation to structural changes of the labour market, and migration. The project also has an ambition to highlight the borderline between formal and informal economy, and to develop a theoretical framework, suitable for empirical research on informal economy in its relation to the re-commodification of labour and migration.

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    Migrant precariat and the frames of solidarity

    Nedzad Mesic, Associate Professor

    The project deals with the relations between social movements, trade unions and disadvantaged groups of migrant workers on the labour market. These groups could also be denominated as the precariat. More specifically the focus is set on irregular immigrants, discriminated workers and seasonal guest workers. The primary target for the project is to explore the ways actors in the civil society manage to build supportive relations to these groups of workers and other organisations in the field. The project is guided by the overarching research question: What are the possibilities and constraints for civil society organisations to establish and maintain transversal relations with disadvantaged groups of migrant workers and their organisations? The task is thus, on the one hand, to investigate how trade unions take on these new challenges within their field and to explore: the new strategies developed by the trade unions; and their collaborations with new social movements organisations. On the other hand, the project centres on new social movements’ collaborations with neighbouring actors, their articulations of the problems; and their strategies to provide solutions to the problems.

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