Building Eurafrica: Reviving Colonialism through European Integration, 1920-2007

Citizenship and Ethnic Relations: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives


This project investigates the relation of European integration to colonialism by retrieving a once influential notion: Eurafrica. Through sources mainly in the EU’s historical archives, it demonstrates that the incorporation into the EEC of the member states’ colonial possessions was a necessary condition for the agreement on the Rome Treaty in 1957 and hence for the founding of today’s EU. This by now forgotten fact is clarified by a historical investigation of how, from the 1920s until the late 1950s, practically all of the movements and institutions working towards European integration placed Africa’s geopolitical and economic incorporation into the European enterprise as a key objective.


Colonial/postcolonial, European integration, Globalization,


(Including publications written in the previous project European Integration and European Colonialism.)

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan. Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Forthcoming 2014.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2014) ‘Building Eurafrica: Reviving Colonialism through European Integration, 1920-1960’. In Echoes of Colonialism: The Present of Europe’s Past, ed. Kalypso Nicolaidis and Berny Sèbe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2014) ‘Another Colonialism: Africa in the History of European Integration’. Journal of Historical Sociology.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2013) ‘A Statue to Nasser? Eurafrica, the Colonial Roots of European Integration, and the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize’. Mediterranean Quarterly, 24: 4.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2012) ‘Imperial Origins of European Integration and the Case of Eurafrica: A Reply to Gary Marks.’ Journal of Common Market Studies 50: 6.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2012) ‘Demographic Colonialism: EU-African Migration Management and the Legacy of Eurafrica’, i Migration, Work and Citizenship in a Global Age, ed. Delgado-Wise, Munck, R. and Schierup, C-U. London: Routledge.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2011) ‘Demographic Colonialism: EU-African Migration Management and the Legacy of Eurafrica.’ Globalizations 8: 3: 261?276.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2011) ”Bringing Africa as a Dowry To Europe’: European Integration and the Eurafrican Project, 1920-1960.’ Interventions: Journal of Postcolonial Studies 13: 3: 443?463.

Jonsson, Stefan (2010) ‘Två försök till Europa.’ I Rapport från Sopornas planet: Kritiska essäer. Stockholm: Norstedts.

Hansen, Peo (2010) ‘More Barbwire or More Immigration, or Both? EU Migration Policy in the Nexus of Border Security Management and Neoliberal Economic Growth.’ The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Vol. 11, No. 1.

Hansen, Peo & Jonsson, Stefan (2010). ‘Eurafrika.’ Invandrare & Minoriteter, No. 3, June.

Jonsson, Stefan (2009) ‘Europe through Africa, Africa through Europe: Reconstructing the Relation of European Integration and Colonialism’, in Mai Palmberg (ed.) What’s Culture Got to Do with it? Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.

Hansen, Peo (2004). ‘In the name of Europe.’ Race & Class: A Journal on Racism, Empire and Globalization, Vol. 45, No. 3.

Hansen, Peo (2003). ‘Ett ‘EUropa’ i avkoloniseringens väntrum.’ Sociologisk Forskning, No. 4, 2003.

Hansen, Peo (2002). ‘European Integration, European Identity and the Colonial Connection. European Journal of Social Theory’, Vol. 5, No. 4.