Monstrous Events: The Poetics and Politics of Collective Protest – 2011 and After
Citizenship and Ethnic Relations: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives
The project examines art, literature and film dealing with collective protests in 2011 and after. It will explore how aesthetic presentations advance our understanding of collective political action in ways that other modes of knowledge such as sociology, history and journalism are unable to do.
The material is a selection of literary and artistic works that present or perform the Tahrir revolution in Cairo 2011, the People’s Assemblies in Athens 2011, and the Maidan Revolt in Kiev 2013-2014. The project focuses on the dialogical and multivocal modes of experience at the heart collective protest.
Citizenship, Populism, Social exclusion/inclusion, Political Protest, Art and Aesthteics
Jonsson, Stefan (2021) ‘The Art of Protest: Understanding and Misunderstanding Monstrous Events’, Theory & Event, vol. 25:2 (April 2021)
Jonsson, Stefan (2020) ‘Populism Without Borders”. The Immanent Frame – Secularism, Religion, and the Public Sphere. The Social Science Research Council. SSRC, New York. 4 March 2020. Available at:
Jonsson, Stefan (2019) Un Soulèvement de toutes les coleurs: Notes sur les Gilets Jaunes”, Mouvements des idées et des luttes, no. 100 (2019/4), 57–58
Jonsson, Stefan (2018) Måsarna, monstren och 1968: till protestens poetik. Ord och Bild, no. 2–3, 2018: 11–22.
Kitleler ve Demokrasi: ?ki Sava? Aras? Avrupa Kültür ve Toplumunda Y???nlar [Crowds and Democracy: The Masses Interwar European Society and Culture]. In: Kitleleri Yeniden Dü?ünmek: Hukuk, ?iddet ve Demokrasi, ed. Zeynep Koçak. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yayinlari.
Jonsson, Stefan (2016) ‘Monstruösa historier: Utkast till protestens poetik. In Historiens hemvist, vol. 2: Etik, politik och historikerns ansvar, ed. Patricia Lorenzoni and Ulla Manns. Göteborg: Makadam förlag.