Place Branding: power, identity and belonging.

Post-National Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity


This project focuses at the role of branding in urban and regional governance. The project is based on the identification of a growing need for studies focusing on those patterns of inclusion and exclusion that have emerged in the aftermath of the restructuring of the welfare state. In particular, the project seeks to meet the need for studies in which new, geopolitical entities are confronted with questions of inclusion, exclusion and diversity. In short, the project aims to explore whether place branding is a sub-national strategy for growth and competitiveness only, or if it is a strategy for (a) urban and regional governance and (b) inclusion and diversity too.


Citizenship, Governance, Regional development, Place Branding, Belonging


Syssner, J. (2009) “Conceptualisations of Culture and Identity in Regional Development Policy”, in Journal of Regional and Federal Studies.19:3, pp. 437-458.

Syssner, J. (2010) “Platser, människor, visioner – om Vimmerby som kommun och besöksmål?” i Johnsson, Leif (red.) Samhällsutveckling och Kulturarv i Vimmerby kommun, Lund: Nordic Academic Press.

Syssner, J. (2010) “Placebranding in a Multi Level Perspective”, in Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6, pp. 36?48.