Participation of Inhabitants Versus Security Politics: A comparative Analysis of Development Measures in the Vulnerable Districts in France and in Sweden

Globalisation and the Reconstitution of Normative and Legal Frameworks


My research project lies in the framework of the restructuring of the states sovereignty in Europe and attempts to analyse the consequences of a set of reforms implemented in social and urban policies. The methods developed through the Local Development Agreements in Sweden as well as the so-called City Policy in France (Politique de la ville) promote new territorial approaches in deprived areas. This new category of public action includes a strategic management, which is most of the time based on public and private partnerships and a coordination of plans in various fields such as housing, education, safety, health and economic development.

In my opinion, the development methods implemented in deprived areas have to be questioned. In general terms, the co-existence of a policy that emphasises safety and one that aim at the involvement of the inhabitants leads to a paradoxical situation in the definition and management of urban development projects. How can one in fact articulate two political directions where one has its object to control and the other to involve a population?


Ethnicity, Governance, Social exclusion/inclusion, Urban segregation, Security politics


Didier Vanoni, Christophe Foultier and Julien Remy (2009). Les Attributions de Logements Sociaux, entre Règles et Pratiques, Revue Recherche sociale, N°189.

Christophe Foultier and Julien Remy (2007). Leading article, (p. 2-3); Evaluation Prospective de la Démarche d’Auto-réhabilitation Accompagnée dans le Réseau des Compagnons Bâtisseurs (p. 19-77), Revue Recherche sociale, N°183.

Christophe Foultier (2006), Leading article (p. 2-3); La Place des Personnes Âgées dans la Ville: les Nouveaux Enjeux des Politiques Urbaines et des Politiques de l’Habitat (p. 38-70), Revue Recherche sociale, N°177.