The Social Life of XG – Digital infrastructures and the reconfiguration of sovereignty and imagined communities

Citizenship and Ethnic Relations: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives


In the context of an expansion of digital infrastructures driven by the impact and recovery of the pandemic, we bring together perspectives from queer feminist technoscience, migration and cultural studies, social and political theory, from the EU and the UK, in order to investigate how infrastructural imaginaries (re)configure democratic sovereignty, imagined communities, and practices of bordering of the European Union. We propose to think and investigate sovereignty through (a) infrastructural and entrepreneurial ways of constituting and imagining ethnos and demos through technological innovations, and (b) conflicts that emerge where efforts to create new infrastructures meet existing ones. Is it possible, we ask, that new constitutionalities are being imagined, practiced, and produced here?



Entrepreneurship, Governance, Social exclusion/inclusion, Digitalisation, Sovereignty


Harder, Alexander 2023: “Special Issue: Digital Truth-making: Anthropological Perspectives on Right-wing Politics and Social Media in “Post-truth” Societies”, Ethnologia Europaea 53(2), 1–20. doi: Bareither, C. & Eckhardt, D.)

Britton L, Pritchard H. (2022). For Careful Slugs: Caring for Unknowing in CS (Computer Science). Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, (2), doi: 10.28968/cftt.v8i2.37723

Rogat, Mauricio (Awaiting reviewer scores and ed decision) “‘Rescuing Europe’ and ‘balancing powers’ A postcolonial critique of European digital sovereignty’, submitted to Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

Atzmüller, R., Egger, L. & Pillinger, A. (submitted). Digitalisierung als Krisenbearbeitung? Die ‚digitale Wende‘ der EU-Politik am Beispiel des NGEU-Wiederaufbauplans. In Duncan Opitz, Peter Schadt, Nathan Weis & Hans Zobel: Scheinsubjekt Digitalisierung – Akteurszentrierte Analysen der Arbeit 4.0. Beltz Juventa.